Saturday, June 01, 2024

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| May 31, 2018 2:00 AM

Re-elect Christopher

It is with great pleasure and pride that I write this letter endorsing Deborah “Kim” Christopher as judge for the 20th Judicial District. As Christopher’s former law clerk from 2011 to 2012, I had the pleasure of working with her in a professional, legal context and can think of no better person than her to continue to serve in the position of District Court judge.

During my year as Christopher’s clerk, I watched her preside over matters with caring and capacity like no other judge. With the law as her guide, she was both re?ective and compassionate. Every case mattered, from multi-million dollar law suits to family law, criminal homicides to misdemeanor matters; she always gave every case the respect and time it required. I was always con?dent in her ability and strength as a judge and public servant. As a fellow veteran, I knew I could count on her attention to detail and dependability to make the right decision, even if it was not the popular one.

Kim Christopher is the best and most quali?ed choice for the 20th Judicial District Court. I know that she will continue to serve the people of Lake and Sanders County with dignity and respect. —Laura K. Buchholtz, Missoula

Protect our water wells

For all the homeowners, or home renters: Imagine having to redrill your well because the local aquifer has been drained by a private business. You would have to pay for it yourself. If you rent, the cost would probably be passed on to you in a rent increase.

A Montana State agency determined that this plant would draw down water for over 2000 wells — not just from farmers and neighbors, but even some in Kalispell. It also threatens our pothole lakes, streams and rivers. If the water-bottling plant in Creston proceeds, that’s a lot affected! That means those homes could have to redrill their wells, with no help with the cost from the water-bottling plant. The shallower lakes in the surrounding area could also dry up. That could affect fishing, swimming, and the property values of the homes in the area.

How to protect our wells, lakes, recreational opportunities and property values? I encourage all voters to vote FOR the Egan Slough Initiative 17-01. Whether you do an absentee ballot by mail or vote in person in the June 5 primary, this is the only chance you will get to protect our wells, lakes, recreation and property values. —Clare Schommer-Reese, Columbia Falls

Don’t believe rumors, lies and innuendo about water-bottling plant

The Weaver family has been the target of lies, innuendo, bullying and even hate regarding the Montana Artesian Bottling Plant. Many of their supporters are afraid to speak up in defense of the Weavers’ rights.

Nate Ward, water rights specialist, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, and Kathy Olsen, regional water rights manager, Montana DNRC, believe the water bottling plant at Creston will not harm the deep alluvial aquifer of the Flathead Valley. Water Rights Permit 76LJ30102978 was approved Jan. 26, 2018. All well tests were completed to accepted standards and furthermore, Mr. Weaver has stated he is willing to shut his bottling plant down if it affects any neighboring wells.

Water discharged into the Flathead River as per Permit No. MT0031861 will be required to be filtered for plastic particulates and other contaminants. The discharge will be monitored by the Department of Environmental Quality. if it does not meet the accepted standard the Weavers will be fined and the water bottling plant closed down.

Mr. Weaver’s water-bottling plant will not be any more of an eye-sore than the houses and outbuildings constructed in the area in the past 50 years. It is not visible from the Flathead River despite comments I have heard to the contrary. Please note other area homeowners are also pumping water out of the aquifer. Some are on lots which vary from five to 40 acres in size. Why should the Weavers be restricted to 80-acre lots?

Regarding truck traffic to and from the bottling plant, one of the Weaver neighbors hauls 200 to 300 semi loads of grain, cattle and hay over a year’s time. This is onto and off of the Egan Slough and Highway 35 intersection. Their trucks are not Department Of Transportation inspected and certified. They are not required to have a commercial driver’s license. The water-bottling plant truck traffic will be DOT inspected and certified. The drivers will have commercial driver’s licenses.

The land the water-bottling plant is on is located on the Weaver farm. There is an unfounded rumor that Nestle Company owns the property. That is not true. The Weavers have farmed the property for over 30 years. County property records verify this. —Charles Jaquette, Creston

Vote for Initiative 17-01

The Flathead Valley truly is one of the last great places for folks who value the bounty and beauty found in less developed places on the Earth. As our population grows things change, and we can’t stop that even if we wanted to. But we can guide the change to protect our most cherished and valuable resources.

Productive farmland, the beauty of rural open space, and clean, living lakes and rivers are special. There are people all over the world who never in their lives see as much clean water as many of us see every day on our drives to work or school. How can any of us, in good conscience, ignore the threat that is upon our way of living from major industrial development in Creston?

Please vote FOR the Egan Slough Initiative 17-01. This initiative will protect a portion of our valley farmland from major industrial development and ensure that the Flathead River and Flathead Lake remain clear of industrial pollution. —Leslie Dillon, Kalispell

Brodehl for commissioner

Randy Brodehl is running for county commissioner, and out of the four Republicans in the primary he is by far the most qualified for the job.

Randy has been the candidate that has impressed me the most in the thoughtful way that he answers questions, and the transparency he provides through his Facebook page and when he talks at events.

He is not a candidate who will say something to earn your vote. He is a principled man whose views are based on law and not the way the political winds are blowing. I appreciate his concept of where the government’s role should end, and private industry should take over. Our elected leaders cannot and should not solve all of our problems.

Randy Brodehl is the right choice for county commissioner. —Holly Breckenridge, Kalispell

Vote for 17-01 to stop water-bottling plant

Everyone should vote FOR Initiative 17-01 to protect our water and river from industrial water bottling. Montana Artesian Water Company’s DNRC permit application clearly describes what this plant will do: produce over 3 million bottles per day, dump untreated rinsate into the Flathead River, and destroy our country roads with continuous heavy truck traffic.

The DNRC did not even follow its own rules in approving this permit; the DEQ didn’t even ask what was in the rinsate; and our county commissioners are ready to pass the costs on to you, the taxpayer. The one and only chance for the citizens of Flathead County to have any say in this giant water giveaway is to vote FOR Initiative 17-01. Otherwise, it’s game over and the big boys will move in.

Large water-bottling companies prey on small communities like ours that have available water and weak laws protecting it. Because DNRC didn’t bother to evaluate the impact of the bottling plant on surface water irrigators like myself (as required by law), I will have almost no chance at defending my property rights against these multi-national corporate giants. And you probably won’t either.

Montana Artesian Water Company’s objectives seem pretty clear to me — obtain a massive water permit, get the plant running at a demonstration level, then market it to larger companies. They are well down this path, but you can help put the brakes on it by voting FOR Initiative 17-01. —John Waller, Creston

Protect our common property rights first

I am an advocate of private property rights. We should be allowed to engage in whatever lawful activity or use we wish within the boundaries of our land. Although that right does come with a caveat ... that being the chosen endeavor doesn’t infringe on others’ same right to enjoy their property.

There is a long list of infringements that the proposed water bottling plant will have upon all residents of this valley. First and foremost, no ONE property has the right to commercialize a commodity that is sustaining us all. The aquifer is not a private source of water. Running a bottling plant is akin to attending a potluck and filling a wheelbarrow instead of a plate. The water under our valley is for all our use, not to package and sell as a commodity. This so called “right” of one property infringes on all of the rest of our rights to have a sustainable (and necessary) resource in abundance.

There is no shortage of bottled water, although with a bottling plant running 24/7/365 in our valley there will be a shortage of the water that we have access to for OUR use. Vote FOR the Egan Slough Initiative and stop this thoughtless and selfish plan of one to infringe on us all. —John Moran, Kalispell

Illi says his views on abortion misrepresented

As a candidate for House District 9, known as the Evergreen District, but which includes the northeast corner of Kalispell, I must set the record straight on my position on abortion rights. In a May 15 letter to the editor, Annie Bukacek characterized my stance on abortion as, “... Warren Illi believes in the right for women to choose to destroy their unborn children...” Ms. Bukacek is either grossly misinformed or is guilty of selective hearing.

Ms. Bukacek and I had a brief 30-second telephone conversation as I was driving in Kalispell during rush-hour traffic. After our brief conversation, I summarized our conversation by saying her beliefs on abortion and mine were 99 percent the same. But since my abortion beliefs were not 100 percent the same as hers, she and other like-minded folks immediately went out to find a candidate to oppose me. Apparently, they could find no one in House District 9 to oppose me, eventually finding my Tepublican opposition, David Dunn, who has a Whitefish mailing address. Most voters do not know that a candidate does not have to reside in a House district in order to run for a seat in that district.

So, let’s set the record straight. I am 99 percent against abortion. The only difference between my views and Ms. Bukacek’s abortion views is that I believe it is acceptable for a lady to take what is known as the “morning after” pill to ensure a pregnancy does not follow a night of love-making. One of the great aspects of America is our freedoms of choice. Apparently, Ms. Bukacek believes all Americans should abide by her personal view of abortion.

Ms. Bukacek also brags about Mr. Dunn being honest. When I first learned of Dunn’s filing for House District 9, from the secretary of state’s office, his address was 5484 Farm to Market Road, Whitefish.

That address is confirmed by both of the F|athead’s telephone books. In recent weeks, Dunn has changed his mailing address filed with the secretary of state’s office to a Kalispell post office box. His campaign literature and signs also list his address as the Kalispell post office box, not the Farm to Market address where he actually lives. He actually lives miles from House District 9. His new Kalispell post office box is simply political deception to give the illusion of living in House District 9. Is that being honest with the voters of House District 9? Is that the appropriate action of an honest born-again Christian?

I have lived and raised my family in House District 9 since 1977. That’s the honest truth. I believe I know and understand the desires of the voters and businesses of House District 9. Recently, I received my largest unsolicited campaign financial contribution from the Weyerhaeuser Political PAC. I believe that speaks volumes about my support from House District 9’s largest industrial employer, the

Weyerhaeuser sawmill and plywood mill. Thanks, Weyerhaeuser. If elected, I will do my best to represent the interests of my neighbors, the voters and Evergreen business community. —Warren Illi, Kalispell Republican, HD9 candidate

Candidate apologizes for mistaken letter about Illi sent on his behalf

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The Inter Lake informed David Dunn about Warren Illi’s letter (see preceding) since only a few days remain before the election, and Dunn provided the following apology and response, although he was not shown Illi’s actual letter in advance of publication.)

Dr. Annie Bukacek is a sweet hard-working woman I go to church with every Sunday. She made a mistake in a letter to the editor by calling Warren Illi “not pro-life.” In this instance Warren has the right to be upset. I’d like to apologize to both Warren and Dr. Annie as I saw their miscommunication on the issue but didn’t actively correct Annie when I could’ve. Annie Bukacek is a saint in my eyes, but like all of us, myself included, mistakes happen.

If Warren wishes to denigrate my character based on an address change I can handle that. I live on Farm to Market Road near Tally Lake. I’d love the opportunity to represent the folks of Evergreen with an aggressive conservative mindset. “A soft answer turneth away wrath but grievous words stir up anger” (Proverbs 15). —David Dunn, Whitefish

Stop the bottling plant

I got married on Flathead Lake aboard the Far West! This lake is magical, fun to fish, with wonderful swimming and the biggest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi!

The chemicals used to wash billions of plastic bottles from this proposed bottling plant will destroy waterways that we cherish.

There are five plastic bottle collections in the ocean as big as Texas! Stop more plastic in our world!

Also draining our water aquifer will affect levels of our surrounding wells and lakes.

Vote YES for the Egan Slough Initiative 17-01 to make sure the Flathead River remains clean. —Jan Lord, Bigfork

Protect Creston, valley

I live in Creston, and I love it. I love how our neighborhood hugs close to the mountains. I love how at night I can hear the sound of cows lowing and coyotes howling in the distance. I love the subtly different shades of green, brown, and gold of the fields around me. It’s beautiful and hints at a wildness right around the corner.

I hate the idea of that being despoiled in any way. I hate the idea of potential contaminants being dumped into the water where the lambs next door drink. I hate the idea of trucks thundering past, showering everything with dust, day after day, as they carry water bottles hundred of miles away. I hate the idea of this peaceful community being torn asunder over a business that offers so little in return.

I encourage all voters to head to the polls and vote FOR the Egan Slough Initiative 17-01 to make sure Creston remains beautiful and safe for humans and animals alike. —Alexandria Webb, Kalispell

Re-elect Garner in HD7

I am writing in support of my friend Frank Garner and I’m asking you to support him in his bid for reelection in House District 7.

I’ve known Frank now for many years and I am proud to call him my friend. I know him as a man of conviction and faith, and I’ve met few people in my life with the ability to bring people together for a common cause. His leadership and passion are gifts he willingly shares to the benefit of others. His long record of public service to this community is second to none and his commitment to public safety and first responders covers decades in the valley.

I sleep better at night knowing people like Frank are at work trying to solve problems that make our community better. I hope you’ll join me in supporting him and his work for our community by voting for him in the Republican primary. —Zack F. Bradley, Kalispell