Sunday, June 02, 2024

Chris the mule seeks a greener pasture

| May 12, 2018 2:00 AM

Someone called the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office to report a mule named Chris was in her pasture when she went to feed her horses. The person did get in touch with the owner who said he would come get Chris.

Authorities are looking for a man after he allegedly assaulted a woman. She said he came to her residence, accused her of spreading rumors and shoved her into a coffee table. She said they were neighbors in the past. She refused medical treatment, but did want to press charges.

An ex-military man from California asked questions about laws regarding shooting on his property. A deputy spoke with him to explain the laws.

A man was cited for theft after a person reported that he had stole some canned air.

A deputy counseled a woman about a civil matter after she reported that her soon-to-be ex-husband had come to the home and taken all of her silver, cleaned out the safe and took her guns. The woman was told the property is joint and the matter needs to be sorted out in divorce court.

Four young men walking through a neighborhood concerned a caller who was afraid the boys threw poison into a horse pasture. When the caller attempted to stop them and see what they threw, the boys cursed at her and kept walking.

A rafter ended up in the Swan River near Bigfork, but was rescued by his companions and wasn’t injured.

A person called the Kalispell Police Department to report a man in a store that had been drinking heavily or was “tweaking.” He was hovering around the ATM machine and acting bizarre. Police advised the man to move along.

Someone called the Columbia Falls Police Department to report a man who was allegedly chasing two women on foot, then driving next to and in front of them. The man was apparently trying to get a woman with blonde hair and missing a shoe to get into a SUV. In response, she pointed to her wrist. The other woman was holding a baby. An officer did speak to the women.