Sunday, June 02, 2024

Letter: Change has to come from the people, not the government

by Bob McclellanPolson
| April 23, 2014 10:20 AM

 Regardless of our political views, here are some questions in my opinion we each should think about, discuss among ourselves, and look at as we consider whether we live or die as a democracy, as an empowered nation, and as a free people.

 How far are We The People going to be pushed into the oligarchy (power vested in a few persons) or plutocracy (government ruled by richest people) system of government before we rebel and refuse to follow like sheep to the slaughter house?  Our freedoms, our way of life, our democracy, and our national integrity is at stake.  The Supreme Court decision striking down campaign donation limits is appalling!

 When do we significantly scale back the tremendous investments we have in our military complex and begin to channel that money and attention to building a more balanced America for all the world to see and all of us to experience?  And when are we going to face up to the fact that we have a horrible mass shooting problem in America?

 When do we finally realize that family unity, spiritual understanding, community strength, advances in education, environmental improvement, health care as a right, and the importance of building upon the advantages of ethnic and religious diversities rather than fearing them, are the backbone of America?

 These are just a few thoughts.  Why not add some of your own?  When will we, as a national family of people, be willing to sit down together in small and large groups and discuss such things?  It takes some leadership and facilitation.  It takes listening skills, for sure.  It takes the willingness to often give up dearly held positions and consider new positions.  But, in my view, it is necessary and essential to moving forward.

 It is through We The People Power that true change will occur.  I don’t think it will happen waiting for our government, regardless of which political party has the upper hand, to chart the course, take the action, and lead us onward and upward.

Bob McClellan, Polson